
Exporter of Tribenuron-methyl

Product name: Tribenuron-methyl
Molecular Formula:C15H17N5O6S
Molecular Weight:395.39
Description of Tribenuron-methyl:
Tribenuron-methyl is a selective systemic herbicide used to control annual and perennial dicots in cereals and fallow land.  Tribenuron-methyl is applied as a foliar spray and directly to the soil as it is rapidly absorbed by the foliage and the roots, and is translocated throughout the plant to the growing points.  Tribeneuron-methyl acts by inhibiting the synthesis of amino acids, specifically valine and isoleucine, which prevents cell division and cell growth. Selectivity occurs due to the differences in the metabolism of sulfonylureas between crops and weeds. Growth ceases almost immediately after treatment and death results within 7 – 21 days. Weeds specifically susecptable to treatment with tribenuron-methyl include thistle, dock, curl sorrel, yarrow, milk thistle, plantain, dandelion, horsetail, buttercup and coltsfoot. Crops suitable to be treated with tribenuron-methyl include barley, durum wheat, green cover on land not being used for crop production, oats, rye (winter), triticale, wheat.
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