
Nice Price for Flumetralin

Product name:Flumetralin
Molecular Formula:C16H12ClF4N3O4
Molecular Weight:421.73
Description of Flumetralin:
Physical state: Yellow crystalline solid
Mode of action: Has local systemic effect, contact action, phytotoxic
Uses: The active ingredient flumetralin is a contact-type growth regulator used as a topical treatment for the control of sucker growth on flue-cured, burley, dark fire-cured, maryland and cigar tobacco. It has to penetrate into the axils and wet the axillary buds(suckers) in order to be effective. However, it does not burn the suckers, nor the axils, but causes a slight yellowing and a cessation of growth, which suggest a very local systemic activity. One application of Flumetralin EC will provide full season control of excessive sucker development in tobacco. It requires only 2 hours dry weather after application(rain waiting period).
Benefits: Broad spectrum, high activity, safe to the crop, saving in labour, quality with higher yield, no residue problem.
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