
Information of Flucythrinate

Product name:Flucythrinate
Molecular Formula:C26H23F2NO4
Molecular weight:451.46
Description of Flucythrinate:
Flucythrinate has a low water solubility and a high tendency to adsorb to organic matter and suspended particles. It is therefore mostly associated with soils and sediments. In the soil it is moderately stable, with a half-life of 21 days. It has a low tendency towards bioaccumulate.
Flucythrinate is extremely toxic to fish, which die when exposed to concentrations above 10 ug/l. Marine mammals and sea birds are much more tolerant to the compound, as the are only affected after consumption of several grams per kilogram of body weight. Marine mammals and sea birds also seem to able to excrete flucythrinate more rapidly, which is expected to result in a higher tolerance to chronic exposure.
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