
Usage of Phenmedipham

Product name:Phenmedipham
Molecular formula:C16H16N2O4
Description of Phenmedipham:
IUPAC name:methyl 3-(3-methylcarbaniloyloxy)carbanilate or 3-methoxycarbonylaminophenyl 3-methylcarbanilate
Appearance: Odorless, white crystalline solid.
Melting Point: 140-144 Centigrade.
Vapour Pressure: 1.32 mPa at 20 Centigrade.
Stability: Solubility in water 4.7mg/L, solubility in acetone 200g/l, methanol 50 g/l, benzene 2.5 g/l.
Uses: It is selective weed control in asparagus, carrots, celery (posttransplant), cotton (layby), field corn, parsnips, potatoes, sorghum, soybeans, sweet corn (layby), wheat (Pacific Northwest), and for short-term control of annual weeds in noncrop areas such as roadsides and fence rows.
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