
Usage of Pirimiphos-methyl

Product name:Pirimiphos-methyl
Molecular Formula:C11H20N3O3PS
Molecular weight:305.334 g/mol
Description of Pirimiphos-methyl:
.Pirimiphos-methyl is a post-harvest insecticide used on stored corn and sorghum grain and seed, incorporated into cattle ear tags, and used for the fogging treatment of iris bulbs. It is used to control various insects such as mealy bugs and mites (on iris bulbs), horn and face flies (on cattle), and cigarette beetle, confused flour beetle; corn sap beetle; flat grain beetle; hairy fungus beetle; red flour beetle; sawtoothed beetle, granary weevil, maize weevil, merchant grain beetle, rice weevil, lesser grain borer, and angoumois grain moth, Indian Meal moth and almond moth (on corn and sorghum grain and seed).
.Annual domestic use is low-- approximately 12,000 pounds of active ingredient per year. Total usage is allocated mainly to stored corn grain (39%) ear tags for cattle/calves (36%), stored sorghum grain (15%), corn seed (5%), and sorghum seed (5%). Regions with significant usage on cattle include the Gulf Coast, Midwest, and West, and states with significant usage on corn grain include Iowa and Texas.
.There are no residential uses for pirimiphos-methyl.
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