
Information of Kasugamycin

Product name:Kasugamycin
Molecular Weight: 433.84
Molecular Formula: C14H25N3O9 ·HCl ·H2O
Description of Kasugamycin:
Other names:Kasumin; 3-O-[2-Amino-4-[(carboxyiminomethyl)amino]-2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-D-arabino-hexopyranosyl]-D-chiro-inositol
Mode of action: Contact action resulting in the inhibition of protein biosynthesis reducing bacterial growth and reproduction (bacteriostatic), rather than killing the bacteria directly.
Kasugamycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic used, normally as the hydrochloride salt, against bacteria and some fungi.
Kasugamycin use control of rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) and some other diseases (Particularly bacterial grain rot, bacterial seedling blight, and bacterial brown stripe caused by Pseudomonas spp.)in rice. Also used to control other plant diseases.
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